In Person and Virtual Sessions
Jennifer is a Certified Meditation Teacher. Jennifer has completed Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.
This 2 year program was offered through Sounds True in partnership with the University of California at Berkeley’s Greater Good Center.
- Online Mindfulness Meditation Programs
- Weekly Meditation Group classes
- Meditation Workshops
- Mindfulness Programs (4,6, or 8 week)
- Customized Mindfulness Workshop for your Business or School
- Personalized Meditation mentoring
Weekly Meditation Group
Includes a centering, a weekly themed discourse (dharma talk), guided meditations, and Q & A

Practiced in Mindfulness & Meditation
Jennifer has been practicing and studying meditation since 1990. She has been teaching meditation since 1996.

Mindfulness Certified
Jennifer has completed Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.
Jennifer is a Certified Meditation Teacher.

What is Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a basic human ability to be fully present and aware of what we are and what we’re doing. In essence it’s awareness.

We learn to become aware of what is happening mentally, emotionally, physically in each moment. It gives us a tremendous skill of choice in how we respond.

Rather than feeling a victim of our thoughts and emotional states, we can choose to respond rather than react, thereby drop more into a sense of power and control in life.

The 6 Week Program
Sessions are for 1 hour and 15 mins and they are delivered as a series of sessions, 1/week online with Zoom. Dates TBA

These Mindfulness Programs Can Assist With
- Stress reduction
- Supports working memory – helps with brain fog as it assists in bolstering cognitive flexibility and improves cognition
- Develops calmness, clarity, and concentration
- Improves moods
- Helps manage chronic pain
- Decreases emotional reactivity
- Increases empathy
- Strengthens relationships
- Improves sleep – helps with insomnia
- Reduced anxiety
- Physical health & well-being
- Boosts the immune system
- Improves relationship satisfaction
- Restores a “Child-Like “sense of Wonder
- Online Mindfulness Meditation Programs
- Weekly Meditation Group classes
- Meditation Workshops
- Mindfulness Programs (4,6, or 8 week)
- Customized Mindfulness Workshop for your Business or School
- Personalized Meditation mentoring
The Science Behind Mindfulness
Over the past +20 years a substantial body of research has emerged on the neuroscience and neurobiology of mindfulness demonstrating numerous benefits to a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness stems from Buddhist Teachings and is about Being Here Now as Ram Dass puts it.
It is the cultivation of focused awareness on the present moment – the only moment .
Mindfulness is nondenominational and can be developed in accordance with one’s own culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs.
Mindfulness is a very supportive tool when it comes to increasing our capacity for accepting Reality and embracing happiness.
Mindfulness is a practice and a way of approaching life that encompasses acceptance, tolerance, non-judgement, and self compassion.
“Mindfulness provides a simple but powerful route for getting ourselves unstuck and back in touch with our own wisdom and vitality. It is a way to take charge of the direction and quality of our own lives, including our relationships within the family, our relationships to work, the larger world and the planet, and most fundamentally, our relationship with ourself as a person.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD

What is Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and aware of what we’re doing.
We all have an innate ability to be present, composed, and thoughtful as we face the challenges of our busy lives. That is the ground of mindfulness. That capacity is already within us.
Mindfulness taps us into the capacity to see clearly and to be present to be interested in connected to our lives in a wise and compassionate way. Mindfulness cultivates the ability to tend wisely to the body and listen carefully to the heart and bring compassion and understanding to her mind and to our world.
Mindfulness is, in essence, Awareness.
We learn to become aware of what is happening mentally, emotionally and physically in each moment. This then gives us the tremendous skill of choice in how we respond. So rather than feeling a victim of our thoughts and emotional states … we can learn to choose to respond rather than react, thereby dropping into more of a sense of power and control in life.
Mindfulness helps with stress management. We learn to surf life’s waves and it is “all Helpful” bringing a freedom and attentiveness to life.
Simply … Mindfulness is Awareness of what one is paying attention to moment by moment with a non-judgmental, caring attention to the HERE and NOW.
For me it has been a foundational Practice to Return to Again and Again

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Drayton Valley
Alberta Canada