Infinite Heart Reiki
1:1 Sessions for Clarity and Empowerment to move forward.
- 1 hour & 30 minutes $150
- Session begins with a Heart Centering that may include a variety of techniques to cultivate awareness, self-inquiry, and embodiment
- 45-60 minute Infinite Heart Reiki session.
- Session completes with an Integration – a personalized guided meditation
- Option to have personalized meditation recorded
Jennifer has been practicing Reiki since 1996
Completed Reiki Master Practitioner in 1999
Certified Reiki Master Teacher degree in the Usui System of Natural Healing in accordance with the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition
Infinite Heart Reiki
Infinite Heart Reiki is an opportunity to receive traditional Reiki as well as to inquire what’s going on in your life and be lead into a heartfelt meditation. It increases clarity and empowerment to move forward and is an opportunity to connect to a place of compassion and understanding. Infinite Heart Reiki allows for the deep inquiry into the challenges of life and an individualized meditation to connect with the heart and be held in a nurturing container.
Jennifer will use intuition and connection with spirit to guide the healing into a deeper place of compassion and inquiry.
The session completes with an Integration of centering and empowering the wisdom and truth that came through.

What is Reiki
In the simplest form, Reiki is the laying on of hands. Reiki is a healing technique where a practitioner can channel energy into the client and activate the natural healing processes using a universal vital life force.
Reiki is an ancient healing art from Tibet that was discovered in Japan by Dr Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s.
Reiki promotes healing by assisting with stress reduction and relaxation. It is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Reiki is a very relaxing yet powerful method of healing. It is guided, positive energy brought in from the universe by someone that knows how to ‘tap into’ it, and passed into someone in need of healing.
Reiki Classes
The purpose of your spiritual path is to connect you to your true nature which is the love, wisdom and power that is within you.
Identification with a deeply healed self is the goal of your journey. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to heal or release the parts of yourself which are not deeply healed. Reiki can guide you through this process, supplying the needed understanding and the healing.

What does Reiki Do?
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include deep relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki seeks to restore order to the mind, body, and soul. It is useful for anyone whose energy has become unbalanced. The healing energy of Reiki can be used to provide relief from conditions such as fatigue, pain, anxiety, negative side effects of treatments and medications, and promote recovery, to name a few. It is also used to assist in healing past emotional trauma.
- Reiki can be easily integrated with any medical treatment and other therapies to assist in activating a person’s inner healing potential and well being.
- Reiki is now being used in a growing number of hospitals and clinics in North America and throughout the world.

Questions or Inquiries
Please contact Jennifer by completing the form below.
How Does Reiki Heal?
Reiki uses the universal life force energy to restore the normal flow to the body. It balances chakras and brings healing to the client. This is done by a Reiki practitioner either placing their hands on, or near, you and letting the Chi energy flow through them into you.
What Will I Experience During a Reiki Session?
What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies somewhat from person to person, however, feelings of deep relaxation are usually felt by all. In addition, many feel a wonderful, glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them.
Once Reiki Energy encourages you to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear and any other negative feelings, a state of enhanced clarity, peace and well-being is experienced. Some drift off to sleep or report floating outside their bodies; others have visions, downloads, and mystical experiences. At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed with a more positive, balanced outlook.
Can I Receive Reiki if I Am a Christian?
To be clear, Reiki is not a religion or cult; it is a form of alternative healing. If anything, Reiki follows the practice of Christianity by following the steps of Jesus helping the sick and hands on healing. Reiki works with all forms of religion, faith, philosophy, or no religion at all.
What is Chi Energy?
Chi or Ki energy is the vital life force energy that exists within and all around us. It’s everywhere. If there is a blockage, the Chi energy does not flow properly. Reiki clears that blockage.
Will I Be Cured By My First Session?
Very few pills, infusions, treatments, etc. can cure immediately. Reiki is the same way.
You may feel much more relaxed, less anxious, peaceful, and a couple of your symptoms may have abated after your first session. Reiki is a form of alternative medicine that should be used in conjunction with your other prescribed healthcare modalities. Never stop any medications, even if you are feeling better, before consulting a physician.
Can You Heal My Dying Loved One?
While Reiki cannot heal your dying loved one, Reiki can help by providing pain reduction, decreased stress and assist with acceptance. All of this provides a greater sense of peace.
Can You Do Reiki on My Pets?
Yes! Reiki is a “vital life force energy which flows through ALL things.”
While we may be more intelligent than our pets, they have just as much energy flowing through them as we do. Animals are usually very open to Reiki.
Normally, they are very calm and relaxed during the Reiki session and when they have had enough they simply get up and walk away. Afterward, they are usually very quiet, peaceful and at ease.
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By Appointment Only
Drayton Valley
Alberta Canada